

Hello, I'm Yoonji.

Eater, reader, writer.

Ever since I was a little girl with jagged bangs I'd snipped myself, I've always loved to read. Fast forward a handful of years, and I traded my home in Hong Kong for the fabled glitz and glamour of New York, where I became infatuated with exploring the diverse restaurants dotting the city.

Now, I write about literature, food and travel with a lyrical, cultural twist.

What to Expect Here

Book reviews and lists, the stories behind a dish, and travel tips and itineraries.

My goal in sharing my musings with you is that they’ll be informative, helpful, and above all, enjoyable to read. I hope this blog inspires you to flip open a new book or chow on a dish you've never tried before.

Feel free to leave a comment or follow me on social media, and don't forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter below!